Winning time: 2.46 (110km)
last year 2.27 (109km) 44kmph
1st Allan Brown Medscheme
2nd Robbie Hunter Barlow world
3rd Nolan Hofman
Unofficial Results from Our Deaf Riders:
Johan Reyneke ........... 3.03
Christo Botha...............3.12
Ashley Abrahams........3.17
Bennie Botha...............3.19/20
Charles Easton.............3.30 (had a fall in wind)
Paul Kloppers..............4.08
Enrikus Koekemoer........ lost his derailer with warm up.Wind Blew his bike over, damadged and couldnt finish the race...sorry.... Enrikus!!
Hennie Koekemoer ......4.13
All in all.....with that wind..... well done, just to finish the race!!!