Well done Christo!! finished in a time of 2.06.24 Last year 2.11.07 i see with Jaco Rheeder which is also a good rider!!
Enrikus changed the LOVE for the Bike this weekend and finished in 2.14.55 well done it shows that it is all still there Enrikus well done....
Bennie is doing his thing in the quiet!! Well done Bennie, i see that You are slowly building up your cycling history... way to go man !!... finished in 2.25.19
Ashley.... he did the race but i do not find any results under his name or id no... will ask when he is back
Stephen... had no news yet.... any recent MTB races? let me know
Juan.. studies and injury... good luck with both ....
Paul Klopper E/C keep me updated with his races and plans Planning to do the OFM Classic Bloem.. Good luck Paul, we trust it will be a good race for YOU...