The Secretary, PO Box 5293, WORCESTER 6850 ... deafcycling@telkomsa.net
-----Original Message-----
From: Trek & Stoor [mailto:trekstoor@telkomsa.net]
To: Trek & Stoor
Subject: Fw: Invitation to join us at the Alpha Pharm Seeding Series
----- Original Message -----
From: Susan Franken
Cc: 'Johan Cloete' ; 'Jeff Bronner' ; 'Leonard de Lange' ; 'NEIL STEPHENSON' ; Frank Gaillard ; 'David Bellairs'
Subject: Invitation to join us at the Alpha Pharm Seeding Series
Good morning Jurg,
I would like to congratulate your ri
I would like to extend an invitation to your ri
My contact
Susan Franken
Loyalty Manager
"Get a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live"
Mark Twain